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OSLC API to get RM artifact type

We would like to update artifact type though OSLC APIs. We found some JavaScript API in the docs(https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RMExtensions405API#RM_ArtifactAttributes). Is there any OSLC method available to fetch artifact types and update the artifacts?
2 answers

We would like to update artifact type though OSLC APIs. We found some JavaScript API in the docs(https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RMExtensions405API#RM_ArtifactAttributes territorial io). Is there any OSLC method available to fetch artifact types and update the artifacts?
Hello, I think to fetch artifact types using OSLC APIs, you should make a GET request to the appropriate endpoint provided by the OSLC service provider. The exact endpoint and the process for fetching artifact types can vary depending on the specific OSLC provider and the service you are working with. Typically, you will need to authenticate with the OSLC service provider and include any required headers or parameters in your request. The response should contain the relevant information about the artifact types, such as their names, properties, and relationships. You can then parse the response to obtain the artifact type information.

Since there are no OSLC query capabilities for DOORS Next type system resources, you cannot discover the URI of resources you might want to update. Which means you cannot perform a GET+PUT to update it unless you already know the URI. So I don't think there is a public REST API for this, OSLC or otherwise.