How to move code in EWM eclipse client from one stream to another stream and one project to another ?
Accepted answer
You do not move code in streams. Start here: and get an understanding of the topic.
You flow changes between Repository Workspaces and Streams in both directions. If you need to flow changes from one stream to another, you use a repository workspace based on the source stream then you change the flow target to the target stream and deliver changes. This might require integration effort.
In special cases, where no changes are ever done on the target stream, you can use the target stream as flow target in the source stream and directly deliver changes in the pending changes.
Streams are only owned by a project area. They are not really in a project area. You can simply see all streams in all project areas, if you have access.
Thank you for correcting me I was asking about flowing changes between streams
Is the information sufficient?
Not at all but trying to go through the information given above to solve my issues
Consider that you can create a stream from a stream and that you can change the owning project area for the stream. Repository workspace are owned by users and not a project area and can flow changes to and from a stream, regardless of the owner of the stream, provided the user has access to the project area that own the stream.
OK Let me try and if needed more details will get back here