Does a member in a RTC Project Area Team inherite the same role into al the Team Areas ?
2 answers
This is how the permissions system works:
And this is how the operational behavior works:
My understanding is, that this is more complicated and the answer needs more considerations. My understanding is, that in the context of the team areas for anything that is owned by the team area (e.g. for work items that are filed against any of the team areas), the users, in your setup, only have the role Everyone, which is the default role anyone always has. For an operation the permissions are the join over the permissions for the everyone role in the team areas and the Stakeholder and Everyone role in the project area.
This is important, because if you have configured special permissions in the team area for the stakeholder role, the users that are not added as members to the team area with the role Stakeholder would not get those permissions in the team area. It depends on how you configure your permissions, if this has an effect or not.