Issue Linking existing requirements in DNG using Excel Importer in RQM/ETM

I am trying to import test cases from excel which also have the ID for requirements in DNG. Test cases are getting imported successfully, but the Requirements are not getting linked. The version I am using is 7.0.2. The project association is in place between the RQM and DNG so, no issue with that. Also manually I am able to link test case to requirements. The version of the Excel Importer is also same as the server version.
I am getting the error like Requirement matching '586856' not found, link could not be created
When I looked into the log, I found the following error in the log :
4/29/2022 11:54:00 AM: ERROR: <Unknown Caller Context>: Exception : Could not retrieve requirement query service URL for - https://<Server_Name>/rm/oslc_rm/_6h4-EK_YEey7q5RkyHfkfQ/services.xml - could not get all requirement from project https://<Server_Name>/rm/oslc_rm/_6h4-EK_YEey7q5RkyHfkfQ/services.xml
Also, I cannot see the requirements if I check the Link to Existing Requirement option, after validating the credentials for the DNG server, I cannot see any requirement present
Can anyone quickly suggest and help to resolve this issue
For other server when I tried, I was able to successfully link test case to existing RM requirement
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 29 '22, 3:35 a.m.I would check if you have the required access and permissions in the project area. I would also check if the project areas you talk about are different with respect to configuration management enabled.
If you can not access the requirements you want to link to, you can not successfully import links. If you can not find and open the requirement in the first place, fix that first.
Abhishek Kumar
Apr 29 '22, 3:41 a.m.Hi @Ralph,
Can you please specify if there is any specific permission required from DNG side?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 29 '22, 6:10 a.m.I am not a DNG superuser, quite the opposite. My assumption would be, that only ETM knows it is an import and as long you have the general permission to create the links manually, your import should be able to. Otherwise search the permissions for import or something.