Link Requirement artefact to test Step through RQM REST API
I'm trying to create a python code to create ELM 7.0.2's data through the different types of artefacts and I'm strugling to create a visible link in the UI using the REST API.
I'm using a Bulk upload of a bunch of test script simustaneously
I've tried those elements (inside ns2:testscript/ns2:steps/ns8:step with ns2 as "" and ns8 as ""):
- rdf:Description/ns11:validatesRequirement/rdf:resource (with ns11:"")
- ns8:attachmentlinks#href
- ns11:validatesRequirement#href
(My request header contains oslc_config.context)
Thanks in advance for your help
Accepted answer
I found the solution:
The reportable REST API as Requirement as read-only value due to his necessity (as in the UI) to be part of a configuration.
To add it, you must use OSLC query which use versionedTestScript Artefact and ExecutionElement2 (for versioned step).
Library that can help you find what you need:
Hope those element help other in struggle