[RQM Rest API] manual test result is missing node starttime in xml
We updated our Jazz server to 7.0.1.
While we create the test result manually and get the execution result by Rest API afterwards, we miss the stepResult node "starttime" in xml.
We use this request to get the execution result:
And in the result the step contains the endtime, but no starttime. Did RQM already behave this way before version 7.0.1?
Is there a workaround to get still the starttime node in xml?
If the execution result is created by Rest API, the ns16:stepResult contains both:
thanks a lot,
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One other answer
Hi Dani,
I have tried the scenario but I could not see such issue. The starttime node for ns16:stepResult is there in the retrieved xml.
If you need further investigation on this, please work with support.
You can open a support case here: https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/s/?language=en_US