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[RTC] Best possible way to display external application content in Project Dashboard

I am using External Content to display external application content in Project Dashboard. I read this article
But the widget doesn't help in displaying contents of http application and also which requires sign-in.
Apart from this widget , any other custom way solving this problem
2 answers

There is zero information in the question. There is only a reference to a support note that provides a hint to change settings or create a whitelist in certain cases.
- There is no hint at all what the external content used is.
- There is no description of the observed behavior.
- There is no error description or anything else.
- There is no hint that the support note is even relevant for the case or if it was used.
The support note covers a case where security settings prevent the dashboard to access external content, because it is not on a whitelist. It does not cover unreachable pages, false certificates. There are other places where white or blacklists come in to play. The support note does not cover logins that might be required for the external content. If the external content requires a login, then there is no way around it and the external content widget will likely not be able to access and display the external content behind the authentication.
If you think there is a valid support case, please reach out to support. Please be aware that the information provided in the question is not even close to what is required by support. But they can at least make you provide the data and logs needed.