How to reset WAS password?
2 answers
I'm not a WAS expert. But a quick Google provided these links:
To reset the PW to the default credencial, follow one of the 2 steps:
1. By editing the security xml file:
1. Locate the security.xml file and take a backup of it.
2. open security.xml file for editing and search for enabled=”true”
3. modify it to enabled=”false” (you need to do this only for the very first occurrence of enabled=”true”)
4. Restart the servers. ...
5. Log into admin console using ADMIN , ADMIN.
2. Using the wsadmin command:
1. /wasInstallPath/AppServer1/bin/># wsadmin -conntype NONE
2. wsadmin> securityoff
3. wsadmin> exit
4. Restart the servers.
5. Enable the security from administrative console.