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RTC Eclipse fail when creating a repository connection to jazz team server

Accepted answer

Add these two lines to the Eclipse.ini

I decided to provide more details here: https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2022/10/26/the-ewm-rational-team-concert-extensions-workshop-and-recent-eclipse-versions/
5 other answers

Could not get value of field private transient sun.util.calendar.BaseCalendar$Date java.util.Date.cdate in 2021-09-29 18:08:52.74
When using the eclipse installer and select the JRE version 16 instead 17 a repository connection is successful against EWM 7.0.2.

Please download the vanilla Eclipse client for the version of your CCM server e.g. the plain zip version. Try to connect to your repository using that vanilla Eclipse client using the IBM Java that is included in the download.

I resolved downloading the eclipse LUNA client, (2014) running against jazz team server that cames with RTC702.

For the extensions workshop I use Neon 4.6 from 2016.

I see the same issue with 4.21

As of today only versions up to 4.15 are supported for EWM/RTC


If in doubt try the vanilla EWM Client that is available as a plain zip file. The reason why the workshop uses a P2 install is, that in the beginning the EWM/RTC Plain Zip vanilla client lacked some Eclipse Plugin Development Environment capabilities. This is no longer the case. Also check the release notes, for 7.02 development it appears that Eclipse up to version 7.14 works. Make sure to use Java 8 - which the workshop actually makes sure you do.

Hi, Below are the combinations of Java/Eclipse clients versions I have tried

Try adding --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED to eclipse.ini

This does not change anything for me.

Works for me. Could you past the stack trace from the error message please?

The stacktrace:

Das ändert leider nichts. Hier meine ini

I missed the statement -vm
Ralph Schoon
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