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how to query small string customized attribute?

Peterson dos Santos (4439) | asked Apr 25 '22, 4:07 p.m.
edited Apr 25 '22, 4:09 p.m.
Hi Friends,

I created a customized attribute, type small string named "siglaSistema" but the query by this attribute broken

Here is the code:

WorkItemQueryModel model= WorkItemQueryModel.ROOT;
IItemQuery query= IItemQuery.FACTORY.newInstance(model);
IPredicate predicate = model.workItemType()._eq("FRM");
predicate = predicate._and(model.projectArea()._eq(projectArea));
predicate = predicate._and(model.stringExtensions().key()._eq("frm_classe_req_mudancas"))._and(model.stringExtensions().value()._eq("frm_classe_req_mudancas.literal.l6"));
predicate = predicate._and(model.stringExtensions().key()._eq("siglaSistema"))._and(model.stringExtensions().value()._eq((siglaSistema)));
predicate = predicate._and(model.internalState()._eq(wiDto.getAttributeValue()));

Am I doing somethng wrong?

Thank you for any help


One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Apr 26 '22, 3:48 a.m.

 I have no experience with using the query model for querying work items. I usually used the expressions and work item queries. See and .

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