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Need assistance on updating the Last Result field on Test Case Execution Record as PASSED/FAILED/BLOCKED using Jazz REST API

chinakotireddy challa (92) | asked Aug 18 '21, 11:58 a.m.

I need some assistance on updating the Last Result field on Test Case Execution Record as passed/failed/blocked using Jazz REST API.

Usually we will create the Test Plan and Generate the Test case execution records manually, Initial status of Last Result column of Test case execution record is empty when we create the Test Plan, <o:p> </o:p>

then after that we wanted to use the Jazz REST API to update the Last Result Column status of the Test case execution record with passed or failed or blocked.

Have tried to use the some of the Jazz REST APIs but nothing worked.

I am using the following headers while sending GET/PUT Requests =>  {"Accept": "application/atom+xml"}

RQM Version we are using is 6.0.4 <o:p> </o:p>

Have tried below link but it didn't work:

4 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 18 '21, 12:20 p.m.

The "last result" column is a query (for the latest test result artifact), and not a field that you can directly update.   So if you create a new Test Result artifact for that TCER, it should appear as the "last result" (until you create a new Test Result artifact).

chinakotireddy challa commented Aug 19 '21, 6:25 a.m. | edited Aug 19 '21, 8:50 a.m.

 Thanks for the reply Geoffrey.

 Can I get assistance on how to create a new Test Result artifact for the TCER (means creating a new Test Result artifact for the TCER)

Geoffrey Clemm commented Aug 19 '21, 8:52 a.m.

chinakotireddy challa commented Aug 23 '21, 4:55 a.m.

Hi Gepffrey, I have started looking into it, am struggling to get the API to create creating a new Test Result artifact for the TCER, it would be great if there is an example how to create a new Test Result artifact for the TCER.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Aug 23 '21, 10:15 a.m.

Unfortunately, I have never used the API personally, so cannot give any detailed guidance.   If we don't get a response from someone else on the forum, I'll ping a couple of folks on the dev team to see if they have time to respond.

chinakotireddy challa commented Aug 23 '21, 4:57 p.m.

Thanks Geoffrey That would be Great 

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Karthik Sirimulla (1811) | answered Sep 02 '21, 5:14 a.m.

 Hi Challa,

Last Result field on Test Case Execution Record is the result of the latest run. 
If you want to update the last result of TCER :
1. Go to the latest result of the TCER and updated the result to the desired result
2. Created a new result for TCER 

for help.

chinakotireddy challa commented Sep 02 '21, 7:49 a.m.

 Hi Karthik,

   Thanks for information, I see that in the link you have provided, there is REST APIs to create the Test case execution result mentioned below, but there field myChosen ID, which is unknown and there is no tcer id to pass here in this Rest API 

Create a Test Case Execution Results (ext  ID “myChosenID”)

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Enid Grady (111) | answered Sep 02 '21, 6:44 a.m.
edited Sep 06 '21, 11:42 p.m.

Need assistance on updating the Last Result field on Test Case Execution Record as PASSED/FAILED/BLOCKED using Jazz REST API.

chinakotireddy challa commented Sep 02 '21, 7:40 a.m.

Hi Enid, I haven't get the right answer on this, I am still blocked on this  

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Jacinto Hartmann (111) | answered Sep 07 '21, 3:36 a.m.
edited Sep 08 '21, 5:32 a.m.

  The Owner field is set to the last tester who ran the test. Tested By; Test Plan; Iteration; Test Case; Test Script; Test Data; Build; Weight.

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