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Views datasource no longer accessible post ELM upgrade with RPE (Form auth error) nor from browser

Shannon Struttmann (13311) | asked Jun 22 '23, 10:05 a.m.
edited Jun 22 '23, 11:29 a.m.

 My company just upgraded to ELM and now I am having issues running reports from RPE using the views datasource. I get the following in my console logs:

CRRPE1064I Starting run...
CRRPE1064I Processing document template 1 of 1.
CRRPE1064I Error in engine
Reponse message: Bad Request: <rdf:RDF
Reponse code: 400
CRRPE1064I Aborting engine execution...

Additionally, if I attempt to go to the views datasource in a browser, it no longer pulls up the xml, I similarly get this error

Error 400: Bad Request

Unable to make a handle from https://server/rm/resources/URI

When a template is uploaded to the server, they run just fine, but I cannot seem to access the datasource 'externally'.

Any advice on how I can fix this issue?

Fariz Saracevic commented Jun 22 '23, 10:50 a.m.

Hi Shannon,

Have you also upgraded PUB (formerly RPE)?

The best would be to open an IBM support ticket to investigate your issue. 

Shannon Struttmann commented Jun 22 '23, 11:32 a.m.


I'm hoping to upgrade PUB asap but have not been able to get my IT department's time yet. I do hope this will solve my problem, but I doubt it since I am unable to even see the XML data in a browser using the views datasource.

We do have a ticket open, but it's been weeks with no answers, so I was hoping someone on here had seen the problem before.

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