Unable to publish links between requirements (RM) and test cases (ETM/QM) using publishing document studio and document builder
I am using Publishing document studio (version 7.0.2) and document builder (version 7.0.2 iFix 008).
I developed the template to publish the links between requirements from RM to test cases from ETM and I am facing two issues while I try to generate the trace matrix using the template.
First Issue: I am trying to generate the trace matrix using the document studio from RM and ETM projects that are not configuration enabled. The links between the requirements and test cases gets published without any problem. but if I use the same template in document builder, nothing is displayed under the test case ID and title columns.
Second Issue: When I try to generate the requirement to test case trace matrix for a GC enabled projects, nothing is displayed under the test case ID and title columns using both document studio and document builder.
Please find the template I am using from the following link: template
What I have missed/done wrong in the template?