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Not able to hit curl using Postman

KT PD (599) | asked Jun 30 '21, 6:24 a.m.

 Hi Team,

I am working on editing existing report in JRS using curl through Postman. I am using RTC version. I am getting below error:
"CRRGW6003E An error occurred when adding or updating a report definition. Ask your system administrator to check the Jazz Reporting Service log file for more details.", "explanation": null, "useraction": null "

Please assist

Accepted answer

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David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Jun 30 '21, 7:00 a.m.

I don 't think editing reports for Report Builder over REST API is supported. There is a real danger that you could irrevocably break the report. While you can export a report from Report Builder, the format of the exported data is regarded as implementation private. If you want to change a report, you should do so via the Report Builder web UI.

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