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How can we generate the report on workitem status based on historical changes during a time period? e.g. "Defect rejected"

Rohit Swarup (131) | asked Apr 16 '20, 9:43 a.m.

 RTC v6.0.1 

We are managing code reviews through RTC and for that we have created flow where developer marks a defect as "Under Review" and assign it for code review to another developer. From "Under review" state, the defect work item can be marked as "Resolved" (if passed) or "Reject" (if failed).

I would like to create a monthly report of all work items which were rejected in code review. The challenge here is that if we simply create report of workitems based on status (means the state as of now) then it wont show the correct picture as the defect which was earlier rejected might get passed by the time we generate report.

How can we generate the report on workitem status based on historical changes during a time period?

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