Import Test Script into Test Manager using XML with Custom Attributes
I am trying to import a test script based on the example but with an added custom attribute (XML shown below) The import succeeds but the custom attribute isnt created, even if it is created as an attribute in Jazz beforehand. Does anyone know what needs to be done to import a test script with a custom attribute?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description xmlns="">Steps to manually test the Customer Order functionality</description>
<step type="execution">
2 answers
Hello Gregory,
When you import a test script,
- If custom attribute exists, you can map the values specified in XML to the existing custom attribute
- If custom attribute does not exist prior in the system but defined in XML, new custom attribute is created. I can see the custom attribute once I refresh my page
I am having exactly the same problem as Gregory - using SaaS ETM v7.0.2
My Test Script custom attributes exist, using the same URI, but the Test Script Import fails to populate the values, no errors, just silently appears to ignore them.
XML fragment:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testscript xmlns="">
<title xmlns="">CMS100</title>
<description xmlns="">Track Dead / Track Alive Indication</description>
<name><div xmlns="">summary_description</div></name>
<value><div xmlns="">Track Dead / Track Alive Indication</div></value>
<name><div xmlns="">version</div></name>
<value><div xmlns="">V10</div></value>
<steps xmlns="">
<step xmlns="" type="execution">
<description> <div xmlns="">CMS100a.1: Traction Breakers</div></description>
<expectedResult> <div xmlns="http://www/"></div></expectedResult></step>
<step xmlns="" type="execution">
<description> <div xmlns="">From the Windows login window, log in as a user with the credentials provided by the CRE.
Use the ECO role to perform this test.
Navigate to Area 2.</div></description>
<expectedResult> <div xmlns="http://www/">Successfully logged in.
Current mode is indicated to the user.
AoR Map displayed on left monitor, and default position Traction Map View displayed on centre monitor.</div></expectedResult></step>