Is it possible to compare two snapshots of an RQM artifact - specifically Test Scripts?

I have a program that has a requirement to show and export "redline markup" of test scripts to their customer.
I am not afraid of JRS or RPE, so if there is a technique to do this using those tools I am all ears....
Is there an OOB way to do this with snapshots?
If not, what is the best approach for me to accomplish this?
My thoughts:
Export snapshots to word/excel and to compare there
I realize there is an easy answer - use GCM, however this is not an option.
One answer

You may refer
In RPE, you cannot make PROPFIND request and hence cannot retrieve snapshot of RQM artifact. You cannot compare snapshots either.
However, if you want to compare 2 baselines or streams and get differential output (redline markup), it is possible with RPE.