Issue with getting all items from FoundIn field during OSLC defect creation
I am trying to create Defect with OSLC. I am getting all necessary information for mandatory fields, but for FoundIn I can see that in browser, there are more than 1600 items in FoundIn, but with OSLC I am getting no more than 1000 items in XML format or more than 15 000 items in RDF format.
<o:p> </o:p>
Can you tell me how to get only these FoundIn fields, which I can see, in the browser? The request I’m using is: <o:p> </o:p><UUID>%22 <o:p> </o:p>
Accept: application/xml <o:p> </o:p>
Accepted answer
You do not want to query the deliverables, you want to find the resource shape and from that get the allowed values.
- GET and find the project area you want.
- GET (for the project area)
- GET (for the type you want)
- In that result get the allowed values from:"oslc:name": "filedAgainst",... "oslc:allowedValues"
- GET each allowed value for details: "rdf:resource": ""