In JRS reports on EWM workitems, a workitem of empty contributor list is not shown
In format results, I used custom expression as below.
Custom calculation: GROUP_CONCAT($Task:Feature Team$)
Custom calculation: GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT $Task:Discipline$;separator =', ')
"Feature Team" attribute is based on Contributor list.
"Discipline" attribute is based on Enumeration list.
If a workitem has no contributor, then the item is not show at all.
If a workitem has one or more contributors and has some disciplines, then the item is shown in the report.
If a workitem has one or more contributors and has no discipline, then the item is shown.
Is there any workaround using advanced "SPARQL query statments" before the fix is available?
I'm using IBM Engineering Report Builder Version: 7.0.2 Build ID: JRS_7.0.2-I20210421-1303
One answer
Hi Dong,
This sounds like this issue 535653: GROUP_CONCAT on 'subscriber's' attribute does not display workitems which does not have subscribers which is already addressed in 7.0.3.
As a workaround, you can try to define a condition that excludes the ’current user’ for the user-based multi-value attribute. For example, for user-based multi-value attributes you should set a condition to filter out the Current User, the attribute is like Owner and is set to is not Current User.
Hopes this helps.