how to generate the traceability report between DNG and DM using link type "Derives Architecture Elemenr"
2 answers
RMM/Rhapsody does not yet contribute information to LQE (that functionality is in beta in 7.0.2), so you need to use RPE to produce traceability reports that include RMM/Rhapsody artifacts.
Links to model elements will be available under DerivedLink. Did you try using dataSource/artifact/traceability/links/DerivedLink/relation ?
Hi Subramanya,
Thanks for response
Yes I tried the same but Image is not priniting.
used condition: title=="derives architectre element"
i am trying to print the digram under requirement.
manoj Kumar
Hi Subramanya,
Any suggestion on above query?
manoj kumar
Can you check if you ae finding "reation" attribute (which is URI of the linked model element) under it? Note that this link is non-reportable and hence you should add extra header (POX) so as to report on it.