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Problem - CRJAZ1185W/CRJAZ2333W Error while performing server rename in RM application

Hello, <o:p> </o:p>
Server rename activity on CLM 605 with MS SQL server 2014 (Both OS Windows server 2016) <o:p> </o:p>
/ccm, /qm completed 100 % but RM still in process and status 20 %. <o:p> </o:p>
As per SQL DB below query in process. <o:p> </o:p>
<?query -- <o:p> </o:p>
update REPOSITORY.QUERYABLE_JPI_MAPPING set URL = ( select top 1 rtrim(t2.NEW_URL + substring(t1.URL, len(t2.OLD_URL)+1, len(t1.URL)-len(t2.OLD_URL))) from REPOSITORY.QUERYABLE_JPI_MAPPING t1, REPOSITORY.MAPPING_EVENT_URL_CHANGES t2 where REPOSITORY.QUERYABLE_JPI_MAPPING.URL_SHA1 = t1.URL_SHA1 and REPOSITORY.QUERYABLE_JPI_MAPPING.URL = t1.URL and t2.JZ_PARENT_ID = '_Czp7wLbaEeu-g54cwhGK7A' and ((t1.URL_TRUN like t2.OLD_URL + '/%') or (t1.URL_TRUN like t2.OLD_URL)) order by t2.JZ_POSITION ) where exists ( select 1 from REPOSITORY.QUERYABLE_JPI_MAPPING t1, REPOSITORY.MAPPING_EVENT_URL_CHANGES t2 where REPOSITORY.QUERYABLE_JPI_MAPPING.URL_SHA1 = t1.URL_SHA1 and REPOSITORY.QUERYABLE_JPI_MAPPING.URL = t1.URL and t2.JZ_PARENT_ID = '_Czp7wLbaEeu-g54cwhGK7A' and ((t1.URL_TRUN like t2.OLD_URL + '/%') or (t1.URL_TRUN like t2.OLD_URL)) ) <o:p> </o:p>
--?> <o:p> </o:p>
Please provide solution on same. <o:p> </o:p>