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DNG & RPE Customized Report template - Word stylesheet not recognized

David BOURDON (19111) | asked May 04 '21, 8:40 a.m.
I have a problem with customized report template in DNG.
I done the following process to add the new template :
  • Add the my_report.dta file into ../server/conf/rm/reporting/initialization/templates/rrdg/my_report.dta
  • Add the my_report.doc file into ../server/conf/rm/reporting/initialization/templates/word/my_report.doc
  • Modify : add the new entry as following
Name: my_report
Location: templates/rrdg/my_report.dta
Label: My favorite template
Description:  A document template I like a lot
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Is-Report: true
Context: quickprintmodule

The new template correctly appears in the report list, and we can publish a document
BUT the word stylesheet isn't recognized

In the log file we can found the following error :
2021-03-24 10:00:55,241 [ RRDG_1146316:1155584-CORE] ERROR - CRRPE3186E The stylesheet https://localhost:9443/rm/publish/templateLibrary/my_report.doc could not be used.
Auto: connection to
https://localhost:9443/rm/publish/templateLibrary/my_report.doc failed. None of the known protocols succeeded.
2021-03-24 10:04:24,609 [ RRDG_1150484:1156212-CORE] ERROR - CRRPE3186E The stylesheet
https://localhost:9443/rm/publish/templateLibrary/my_report.doc could not be used.
Auto: connection to
https://localhost:9443/rm/publish/templateLibrary/my_report.doc failed. None of the known protocols succeeded.

After investigations we think that the encoding of the MANIFEST.MF file may be the cause of this issue, but we are not sure and not be able to caracterize the problem. We didn't found information about this issue in the IBM documentation.

Have you got any idea for this problem?


2 answers

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Fariz Saracevic (919613) | answered May 04 '21, 9:49 a.m.

Hi David,

Do you have MS Word installed on your DOORS Next server? Also, here is link with Publishing options and what is allowed with EDG (formerly RRDG)

David BOURDON commented May 05 '21, 2:45 a.m.
Hi, yes of course MS Word is installed. The word document is generated and can be opened. But the stylesheet is not used, the content of the module is exported in a blank document.
Sometimes, depending the MANIFEST.MF which is uploaded on the server, the failure doesn't occur and the stylesheet is properly taken, but we don't understand what is exactely the cause of this issue.

permanent link
Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered May 05 '21, 9:16 a.m.

I do not see any issue with the entry in The document specification created by DNG during reporting will use http path for template and stylesheet and for some reason the authentication (using cookies) for the stylesheet (my_report.doc) is failing.

Can you open DNG in new private/incognito window and run same report again? If that doesn't work, you can restart the server once and give a try. If you still see issue, please contact DOORS Next support and open a case.

David BOURDON commented May 06 '21, 5:31 a.m.
Hi, thanks for your answer. I tried to use a private window and restart the server but it doesn't help. I'm pretty sure that it comes from yhe MANIFEST.MF format/encoding because when we replace it by another previously created MANIFEST.MF file it works (but not systematically), but we can't find what is the problem.
I already opened a case, but as usual the support have no idea about the problem...
Thank you and let pray that Jazz will run correctely some days!

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented May 06 '21, 6:36 a.m.
I tested by adding the same entry (that you provided) in the beginning of original And the new report works fine.

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