Migrating from Derby to Oracle
One answer
I am looking to migrate data from RQM 2.0 Derby to Oracle. I am thinking I will utilize Repotools to do this. Any tips / tricks / hazards to look out for?
Thank you in advance!
Some of this you may already know, but for the benefit of others I am including the full text. (I just had this question come up in a PMR yesterday and wrote this up for one of my clients).
The major "hazard" I would watch out for is do not attempt this on 2.0. Update to before proceeding.
To migrate an existing RQM 2.x server implemented with Apache Derby database to an enterprise database such as DB2, Oracle, or SQL, the workflow is as follows:
1) Stop the RQM server.
2) Make a backup of the existing server and database. If you are currently using Derby, the simplest way to do this is to create a backup of the entire RQM installation folder. By default this is 'C:\Program Files\IBM\RQM20'.
3) Export the contents of the existing Derby database using the Jazz foundation repotools command. An example of the syntax you would use is:
repotools -export toFile=c:\export.tar teamserver.properties="C:\Program Files\IBM\RQM\server\teamserver.properties
For full details on the repotools utility see:
4) Set up and configure the RQM server with your new database as per the instructions in the RQM Information Center. For example, if you are moving to SQL Server 2005, see "Setting up a SQL Server database":
5) (Steps 5a through 5d below are optional, but I recommend them in order to provide a "check point" that RQM and the database server are properly configured to talk to each other before you attempt to import your data in step 6)
5a) Use repotools to create the Jazz tables in the SQL database: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v1r0m1/topic/com.ibm.team.install.doc/topics/t_s_server_create_table_spaces.html
5b) Start the server
5c) Verify that you are able to log in to the Jazz setup page (https://RQM_server:port/jazz/setup/)
5d) Stop the server
6) Import your data from the .TAR file you created in step 3 back into your RQM server using the repotools utility. An example of the syntax you would use is:
repotools -import fromFile=c:\export.tar teamserver.properties=c:\Program Files\IBM\RQM\server\teamserver.properties
7) Start the server. Migration is complete.
**Additional Note**
If you have not already, I recommend updating to the latest release ( of RQM server before starting the migration process. There are several known issues with the repotools import command in 2.0 which are resolved in this release. The upgrade steps are here: