supported Java version for CLM v6.0.3
can anyone say which is supported version of Java for CLM v6.0.3?
ERRORLast executed: 7:12 PM
Vendor: IBM Corporation
Version: IBM J9 VM 1.8.0_151
JRE 1.8.0 Linux amd64-64 Compressed References 20171122_371101 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
OpenJ9 - 8e3c85d
OMR - 713f08e
IBM - c041ee8
CRJAZ2152W Jazz encountered an error when attempting to determine the version of your Java virtual machine. You might be running on an unsupported Java virtual machine.
I am getting below error, because of this i couldn’t able to edit or modify the workitem.
Vendor: IBM Corporation
Version: IBM J9 VM 1.8.0_151
JRE 1.8.0 Linux amd64-64 Compressed References 20171122_371101 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
OpenJ9 - 8e3c85d
OMR - 713f08e
IBM - c041ee8
CRJAZ2152W Jazz encountered an error when attempting to determine the version of your Java virtual machine. You might be running on an unsupported Java virtual machine.
I am getting below error, because of this i couldn’t able to edit or modify the workitem.
Please help to overcome this issue.
One answer
Please provide a useful description of what you are doing, if you expect answers.
The supported Java version is actually shipped with the server and the Eclipse client.
Otherwise follow these steps to find the system requirements:
Open the download page for ELM. Select the version of ELM you want to know about.
On the Getting Started Tab scroll down until you find the link names system requirements.
Click that link.