How-to obtain a module location using RPE?
Exploring a database I get the modules URL. However, I need the URI (database/directories/module). These URIs (not only the module URIs but I need the directories URIs as well) will be used to generate the xml for the "DOORS Data Configuration from XML" item in the multimode template.
Is there any way to get the modules URI?
Or, is possible to use the URL (instead of the URI) in a DOORS Data Configuration item? In this case, how can I get the URL of a directory?
Thanks a lot.
DOORS v9.6.1.11
RPE v6.0.6
Accepted answer
You can try using DOORS database structure schema.
You can also check the sample template doors-structure.dta under %rpe_home%\templates\DOORS\db-structure.
Thanks, it worked perfectly for modules but not valid for folders.
Database/Folder/Module contains the @fullname.
Database/Folder does not contain it.
I would try the following: when reading a Module, get the path in @fullname until last "/". This is the folder which contains the module.
In case of folders with no modules (just other folders) Ithink I have a problem.
Come back as soon as I have a result.