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can i deploy hierarchy links while importing a CSV into DNG?

2 answers

Hi Ido
You may be thinking of Link by Attribute using CSV import, which can create links between module artifacts as you describe - see https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_7.0.1/com.ibm.rational.rrm.help.doc/topics/t_link_by_attribute.html

Thanks a lot for the quick reply,
this is not what i was looking for, even for the Link-By-Attributes, we need to export back with the Jazz ID and then use the formal Jazz ID as the ID for the link by attributes. I was hoping there was a way to indicate parent-child during the initial import.

Yes you can but I'm still trying to work out the definitive rules for creation!
By using:
- the correct column name for the link and its direction (don't forget the direction arrow if the ends aren't individually named)
- the correct {LINK id=<id>} combo, where <id> is either <requirement id> or <module id>.<requirement id> depending on whether you want an artefact or module link
- the correct use of the moduleId, parentBinding and isHeader columns in the import if the source is module based, rather than artefact
- the correct type of sacrifice at midnight on a lunar eclipse (joking but almost feels like not)!!
you can get it to work.

Thanks David
Long time :-)
in any case, i am talking about an initial import of new data, so it cannot have a Jazz ID (neither artifact nor module). and this is not for modules anyway...
so in an initial one time import of new data, this cannot happen?

A very long time my friend :-)
That's a good question, and I think you'll have to do a double import. The {LINK id=<id>} only works with a DNG ID and is the only way to create links at the time of import.
If this was a module import and the parent-children were in a hierarchy, then you can quickly create the links from the parentBinding afterwards. Could you do an initial import into a module to get the hierarchy, then use that to create parent-child links, then throw the module away?