DNG module view for artifacts in review?

Accepted answer

For whatever reason, Reviews are only for base artifacts. That is why the filter for Reviews doesn't work in a module. I'm not sure why it's even accessible in a module. Anyway, my workaround is to use tags or attributes to filter on for those artifacts in modules that are in a Review. You can use the Review link type on base artifacts, but I've experienced timeouts when doing this along with using the "used in modules" despite several support tickets on the issue. [v6.0.6.1 iFix028 in process of moving to v7.0.2] Hoping performance will be better for both of these in v7.0.2!!

At this point I'm advising my employer to not use DNG reviews. Can't open one in a change set. Can't add artifacts to a review or filter on them in a module. Can't reflect their status in the artifact. What's the point?

We tried it for a while. It's not user friendly with having to use the base artifacts and not receiving any notification when a user has completed their Review, not being able to Resolve Review artifact Comments after a Review is finalized. It got messy! We now have Review Comments in modules that are open and stuck as Unresolved. I finally figured out that we needed to Resolve all Review Comments before Finalizing...seems like this should be an automatic action when Finalizing a Review. It would also be easier if we could have the option to duplicate Reviews, since we wanted each to have similar format and instructions. We have resorted to doing Reviews through the Comments per Artifact in the module or outside of DOORS Next through email or with outputs from Views in the module. Now off to check the RFEs/IBM Ideas portals to see if any of these ideas gained progress for v7.0.2. Thanks for the rant!
1 vote
Dec 09 '22, 10:26 a.m.It's been week and a half, this question has been viewed over 100 times, and not one comment or answer. So I have to assume that there is no way to show in a module view what reviews the artifacts are in. This is very disappointing.
David Honey
Dec 09 '22, 11:01 a.m.You misunderstood the comment. I didn't mean "not one comment or answer" is very disappointing. There is a sentence between those statements. I meant "no way to show in a module view what reviews the artifacts are in" is very disappointing. One immediately follows the other. But the irony of a Jazz developer not answering the original question and instead lecturing me on the kindness of busy strangers is not lost on me. ;)