What do you use DNG?
I would like to do some research about DNG and for that it would be interesting to know for what DNG is used.
Maybe some of you can explain to me for what exactly you use DNG.
The research should help me find out more about DNG and learn more things about it. My company wants to constantly improve DNG and for that it would be really interesing for what it is used in other companys.
Please share your knowledge with me.
2 answers
You can use this to find out what it does: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=google+Doors+Next+Generation
You can also use the menu above and go to https://jazz.net/products and click on IBM® Engineering Requirements DOORS® Next.
Cara - this is a very open-ended question, but I'll try to give you a flavour of our usage.
We have been using DNG in the IBM SaaS environment for about 3 years now on 2 contracts, having previously used DOORS Classic on a previous project.
Our customers have provided hundreds or thousands of Technical, Contractual and Commercial Requirements to which they require a clear compliance statement to every line, by way of documentation and/or test.
We use DNG to extract the Customer Requirements (mostly from PDF documents - via WORD), which we then categorise and assign compliance methods, ownership, timescales etc within the development teams.
Pros: it is better than spreadsheets,
Cons: reporting on progress is very difficult.