Mobile App for Jazz Application
Hi All,
I was just reading some of the use cases where we can adopt the mobile app with Jazz Applications. I read ETM offline execution app support is stopped. Would be curious to know if somebody has build Mobile apps with Jazz applications for various use cases. Could you please share ?
One answer
I think there was a mobile application that a partner had created for EWM/RTC. I think it does not exist anymore.
I know that a customer was looking into creating a mobile application for a special set of use cases. I do not know if this was finalized.
Thanks Ralph.
If you are allowed to post those use cases, it would help just to understand possibilities and capabilities. Also in which application RM, EWM/RTC, ...
That was EWM/RTC, the use cases where around seeing work items, their workflow and approvals. Work items with RTC is the most obvious use case. In General all applications have enough APIs that it would be possible to access data mobile. The question is really how you work with the small real estate.
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