Is an additional license required for Jazz Reporting Service?
We are running DOORS Next Gen 6.0.2 for one project, and it doesn't have Report Builder. When I asked my Sys Admin to get Jazz Reporting Service they said there would be an additional cost for license.
However I accessed another internal project running 6.0.6 and they do have report builder, even though I have an analyst token for both.
Google has lots of info but I read somewhere it said JRS was already a part of DOORS Next Gen?
I am confused: Is it a license issue or a project setup issue? i.e. do we just need to download LQE to access Report Builder??
Accepted answer
JRS (Report Builder, LQE, DCC) does not require additional licenses and is part of the platform. Maybe Your administator was think8ng about RedHat or Windows license for additional server.
Only reporting products that will require license will be RPE and RPE Document Builder.
If you do not see JRS apps, it means that they are not installed or configured.