RTC Stream not accepting new incoming changes when we do stream build
We have a RTC stream in which the change sets are delivered by developers and we run daily nightly builds on the stream using our continuous integration tool and it fails to accept any new incoming changes to the stream.
This Happens only with one particular stream and the issue doesn't occur with other streams.
we see below error
Accept Changes:
Accept Output : JVMDUMP039I processing dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError"
Accepting Changes:
Workspace Unchanged.
Accept succeeded, but there were no incoming changes, so the workspace remain unchanged
Please help us getting this issue resolved.
One answer
There is obviously an out of memory error happening. Since the question lacks all relevant data such as which build system is used etc, I would suggest to contact support. They can ask for the relevant information and help.
Otherwise you can provide the infrastructure information. Version numbers, build system used etc.
An easy step you could do is to open the build repository workspace and try to manually accept the changes to find out if there is a huge file or something else that causes the problem.
Another option you have is to increase the memory available to the build system toolkit that accepts the incoming change.