can u tell us more about your widget? what technical architecture it uses (open social or??)
and what do you mean by deploy? the initial dashboard should have it already have the widget placed on it, or it should be in the widget catalog list, or..
I have created a sample helloworld widget.its not opensocial.
Deploy i mean to say is deploying the hello world application into jazz server.
In the web UI i am able to see the category called sample,But i am not able to see the widget added on it.When I add the widget using add widget it shows as
see this blog for widget experience and instructions on placing widget for catalog list (pretty cool stuff)
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sam detweiler
May 09 '14, 10:42 a.m.can u tell us more about your widget? what technical architecture it uses (open social or??)
and what do you mean by deploy? the initial dashboard should have it already have the widget placed on it, or it should be in the widget catalog list, or..
what data does it access?
vinitha dsouza
May 12 '14, 5:24 a.m.I have created a sample helloworld widget.its not opensocial.
Deploy i mean to say is deploying the hello world application into jazz server.
In the web UI i am able to see the category called sample,But i am not able to see the widget added on it.When I add the widget using add widget it shows as