Report Builder is limiting lenght of DNG text attribute
Due to unknown reason Report Builder is limiting the DNG attribute text in Report Builder, it is not able to display complete text. I am aware of the limit for content, but this is quite short text.
Screen attached, DNG attribute is text type.
Would be great to have a suggestion on how I can fix that.
Accepted answer
DCC has limit of 255 characters for the custom text attributes (varchar), so any extra character will be truncated.
LQE has limit of ~1000 characters so it can solve your problem if you will use other data source.
The artifacts primary text is an exception as it can contain longer text.
One possibility to overcome this limitation is by customizing the DCC ETL as described in:
I hope it will help
Henryk Tomczyk
May 11 '20, 12:01 p.m.We use DCC