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How can I modify the default WORD heading styles in RPE when generating reports from DNG?

Ravi Gollapudi (37121) | asked Jul 21 '20, 9:39 a.m.
Hi Jazz community,

I am using DNG and RPE 6.0.6.
I am creating a template to export the DNG module to a word document. Here I want to modify the default heading styles defined by RPE. I want to change the font type, size, italics, color etc

I want to continue using "artifact/moduleContext/contextBinding/depth" for automatically selecting the heading levels.

Can someone suggest the way to go?


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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jul 23 '20, 12:33 a.m.

Since you are setting Style name = dataSource/artifact/moduleContext/contextBinding/depth for headings (whenever isHeading == true), you should edit the styles (Heading1, Heading2, etc.) in Word stylesheet. You can use thisĀ  stylesheet for Word and PDF outputs so that you will get the heading styles that you defined.

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