Changing URIs for Artifact Types and Artifact Attributes?

Good day,
I have a question. We had to change our naming convention for URIs to be used with Artifact Types, Artifact Attributes, Attribute Data Types and Values.
If we change the URIs, for these elements, would there be any unexpected issues?
I know you cannot and should not change the public URI.
Accepted answer

Hi Mary,
If you change all the matching URIs across all the projects so they are still matching then after the change is complete everything should work just like before the change..
You can export/import data across projects and do cross project reporting like before.
The only think you might need to do is a schema update to the data warehouse.
>Reports>Build>Data Source>Refresh
and then the data
Run Update
before running any JRS reports
One other answer

Just be aware if you've ever done any ReqIF import or export - that means an external system will have the old URIs and they will need to change them as well.
Also LQE makes a lot of use of the URIs, and so any Report Builder Reports based on an LQE data source will need to be rebuilt. The SPARQL query embeds the URI