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Can't create Requirement Collections

Ian Dunn (1318) | asked Oct 05 '20, 3:21 a.m.

 I am trying to create a Requirements Collection but none of the options described in the Help seem to be available. After selecting the project dashboard, the only available menu items at the top are Artifacts, Reviews and Reports. The ability to add requirements to a collection via the context menu after selecting those requirements that I wish to add to the collection is also not available  My license type is Analyst, I have JazzUsers privilege and using CLM v6.0.6 <o:p> </o:p>

Any thoughts 

Accepted answer

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Kimberly Boshers (1038) | answered Oct 05 '20, 9:43 a.m.

 I had this same issue after reading the instructions on how to create a collection.  The part that I either missed or it isn't available in the instructions is that a Collection is also an Artifact Type, so you have to create an Artifact Type as a Collection first.

Ian Dunn selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Kathryn Fryer (461) | answered Oct 05 '20, 9:57 a.m.
When you select the Artifacts menu item, you should see a list of artifacts and a Create button. There should also be 3 tabs/headings: All, Modules, Collections.
If you click Create, one of the options should be a Collection (it's considered a type of artifact itself).
If you don't see Collection in the list, go to Manage Properties from the Admin pulldown and check the types for your project.  Verify that Collection is defined as an artifact type. If you used a template, it should be; if you started your project from scratch and manually added types, I'm not sure. If it's not there, add it (ArtifactFormat type is Collection), and see what happens.

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