In RTC 6.0.6, where is the Preview tab in the Report Design perspective
2 answers
Consider to check the BIRT version you chose? This seems to be totally related to BIRT only.
Thanks for your prompt reply. I installed org.eclipse.platform_4.6.3 so installed the Neon version of BIRT
I have just tried RTC Client for Eclipse 4.4 and installed the Luna tools with exactly the same result - the "Preview" tab is missing - the other four are present
Due to the poor HTML5 support for the default SWT browser widget(IE ActiveX version) under windows platform and potential memory leak issue(see, we want to remove the preview tab from the report editor. User can still continue using the preview action buttons in the main toolbar which can be configured to use the external browser as preference.
The above links don't seems to work here. I found them in the article, where they do work
I do not think that users here know that. My assumption is: if it needs to be enabled in the code, you have to get the code, change it to enable it and recreate the deploy-able that you install into RTC, It is basically something to discuss in the BIRT forums.