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RTC - Plan Views - Copy Back to Master Process (Process Sharing)

Glyn Costello (14050) | asked Feb 12 '20, 1:01 p.m.

Recently went live with ELM for my organisation. I have a question regarding Plan Views. 

Having now started using RTC for Formal Project Planning and it's working very well and is exactly what we needed, I have now for my pilot project 'modified' some of the plan views within the project. 

The Project was created with a blank Process Template then set to refer to a master project area which has process sharing enabled. This is also working well, except for when a plan view changes. 

In Eclipse, I open the pilot project's configuration but it says "plan view (unconfigured)" and there's nothing in the project's own configuration source either. Selecting "Plan View" in the pilot project's configuration warns me that it's sharing the process from the master project area and if I modify it, the project will stop consuming the master process. 

So I'm unable to copy the changes from the pilot project for all the new plan views I've created into the Master PA. So how can I do this for future projects? Is the only way to "Extract Process Template" and try and piece-meal copy the config from there to the master process?

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Feb 13 '20, 9:21 a.m.

This can be a complex process;  and I would suggest you have a clear development process (steps) setup moving forward. Which can capture the new views from a development project > Tested> then deployed/updated into the MASTER and then release on that basis.  NEW is fine;  but watch out for editing existing views.

It is possible to manage the views in the process template however as you say it's a bit piece-meal in the XLM.
From memory you need to add the view in the configuration / with the type of Plan view and then you can configure the attributes etc.  The XLM will contain the columns etc. / sorts / filters  and specific details which you can copy and paste etc.

I would suggest you test in your pre-prod environment; as you can cause some issues with the defaults etc.


Matt Muller

Matt Muller commented Feb 13 '20, 9:33 a.m.
This may help understand more - You need to Promote the view.
But then you will need to understand the sharing etc. in the MASTER

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