Active Directory users removed and then re-added

Our Rational CLM Applications have a lot of user turnover due to the nature of government contracting. We currently use Microsoft Active Directory as our user manager. As we offboard users, we archive them in the Rational CLM Applications and then place the users into a temporary holding area in Active Directory until after a certain timeframe they are deleted from Active Directory. What we have found that if we create a user in Active Directory with the same userid that was once deleted, and restore the user that was archived in the Rational CLM Applications, this user is now assigned items that were once assigned to the deleted Active Directory user. It appears that the Active Directory user has a unique UUID issued by the Active Directory server but that the Rational Applications seem to base their lookups on username.
Is this by design or a defect with the Rational CLM Applications?
Accepted answer

Kevin Ramer
Jun 04 '14, 11:45 a.m.To my knowledge, IDs in CLM are "unique", which is to say the id "john_doe" will always be the same thing in CLM, irrespective of what it represents as a person or other external attributes. Once an ID is in the registry it is only changed from Active<>Archived.