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User continues to receive e-mails, even after being removed from the project area

Even after being removed from the project area on RDNG, users continues to receive emails every time someone makes a comment on an artifact that he created.
Accepted answer

Should it be possible to better control who gets e-mail in DNG? Sure. Create an enhancement request: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/how-create-and-manage-enhancement-requests-ibm-rfe-community
2 other answers


Hi Ralph! tkx for helping.
It´s not the case here to the user which is receiving the notifications to configure or to has the capability to, been choosing what to receive or not.
Our case here is, someone who were part of some project and had created some artifacts in this project and now no longer belongs to the project area anymore.
For every artifact he has created in this PA, every time anyone do a comment (in the comment tab), this user, which no longer belongs to the PA, still receiving an email which informs him that the artifact has a new comment.

You express a point of view which is just your personal. If the tool is implemented that way is a completely different matter. I can not find any hint that supports your assumption. I can find hints that DNG does not support configuration of e-mail notification for each user. There have been work items asking for this but I can not find any hints that this would have been implemented. Even if, I can not find any hint that project area membership has anything to do with it. You also do not have to be a member of any project area to see requirements. All you would need is a license and the access settings for the project area needs to be set to everyone.

I'm attaching a screenshot to show what I am talking about. Marcelo tries to better explain the case and he is on the right track of our problem here.
The screenshot, shows that the artifact was created by Adriano. He no longer belongs to the JKE Banking project. If I create a comment in this artifact which he has created, the field Directed to: is automatically filled with his contact (email), in order to send him an update.
Our concern here is, even if someone have created an artifact, if he/she doesn't belongs to the PA anymore, he/she wouldn't be supposed to receive any notification, unless I manually include their contact in the directed field.

Hi, Ralph and Leonardo!
I guess this question was a bit misunderstood. The problem here is that when someone create a comment in an artifact, by default the user who created this artifact is automaticaly still listed as recipient in recipient field, even he is no longer a member of project area of this artifact.
In my point of view, an improvement item is that the recipient field be empty and the user selects the recipients manually when creating a comment.
Could you verify that?