filtering suiteexecutionrecord in RQM
Hi all,
I can list all the suite execution records under the relevant project area by configuring RQM Feed data source with the following URI
https://<server>:9443/qm/service/<project name>/
But I want to achieve two things.
First, listing only those suite execution records whose owner is a specific one. For this purpose I add the fields property to URI as follows:
https://<server>:9443/qm/service/<project name>/
This does NOT work. No result is returned. Actually any other attribute (title, webId ) does NOT work either.
Second, listing only those suite execution records whose test suite is a specific one. For this purpose I used the following URI:
https://<server>:9443/qm/service/<project name>/
suiteexecutionrecord?abbreviate=false&calmlinks=true&fields=feed/entry/content/suiteexecutionrecord/*|testsuite[@href='https://<server>:9443/qm/service/<project name>/testsuite/'])
This does NOT work, either.
What is the problem ?
Özgür Eser Akdemir
One answer
These 2 has worked for me
https://<server>:9443/qm/service/<project area>/suiteexecutionrecord?abbreviate=false&calmlinks=true&fields=feed/entry/content/suiteexecutionrecord[owner="qmuser"]
https://<server>:9443/qm/service/<project area>/suiteexecutionrecord?abbreviate=false&calmlinks=true&fields=feed/entry/content/suiteexecutionrecord/*|testsuite[@href='https://<server>:9443/qm/service/<project area>/testsuite/']