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Is there any way to get notification when new requirements are added into the modules

meghana kaddu (2110) | asked Jan 08 '20, 3:57 a.m.

 when two users are working on a same module and one user adds a new requirement into the module, how the another will be notified.

Accepted answer

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Rakesh S (39113) | answered Jan 08 '20, 4:34 a.m.

Hi Meghana,

You can try adding the Widget in the Personal Dashboard where you can view the recent changes done for the Requirement Module.

1)From the RM Project DashBoard.
2)Add the Widget-->General Tab-->Requirements--> Add the Widget by name Recent changes.
3)Here you can view the Changes/Modifications done by all the users in the Project Areas.
4)Also You can add the Modified By column in the Module which helps in identifying the user who has done the changes to the Module.

Hope this helps!

meghana kaddu selected this answer as the correct answer

meghana kaddu commented Jan 08 '20, 4:41 a.m.

Thank you Rakesh

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