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RQMExcelImporter: link test case to existing requirement with ID not working

huang zheng (111) | asked Aug 08 '19, 9:53 a.m.


I use RQMExcelImporter: link test case to existing requirement with ID(DNG), but it not working. No problem when using manually link.
found in  RQM ExcelImporter6.0.6.1

1. Create a requirement in DNG and DNG created the Req id, e.g. 2476
2. In Excel file, add the id of the requirement to L column.
3. Then in RQM Excel Import, select Export to Repository and select the .cfg(folllowing cfg):
p.s. DNG and RQM Already associated and userid has permission to link case and requirement id.

Expected Result:
Export process completes successfully and a Test Case is created and linked to the specified requirement

Actual Result:
in RQMExcelImporter output following info, but no requirement id link to case.
add requirement link to testcase xxxxxx_xxxxx
Testcase requirement linking done!
Exporting completed sucessfully!

my .cfg setting:
testcase.XLSWorksheetID="Power Moding Status"
testcase.category term="Function".value = "Diagnostic"
testcase.dc:title = testscript.dc:title

2 answers

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Bharath Rao (915240) | answered Aug 08 '19, 10:08 a.m.

 Hi Huang,

Since there are no error messages seen in the utility log, I would suggest you to verify if the same behavior persists with the sample in a test project.
TestPlan with  TestCases  001 linked to requirement 003

Let me know if you have any further questions.


permanent link
welder welder (432) | answered Aug 09 '19, 9:19 p.m.

Hi, Bharath. Thanks for your reply. The sample is working for me. And after I modified my .cfg file by the sample, my case also is working. Thank u!

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