Slow boot-up of eclipse client when 5-6 workspaces are loaded
I have loaded 5 repository work-spaces in which one stream has 1002 number of components & other 4 work-spaces in total had 20 components. So totally 1022 components are loaded. And I ensured that "Automatically detect changes" is disabled. I manually synchronized the remote & sandbox changes.
Then I restarted the client couple of times, it loaded very fast. Then again i loaded one more workspace with some 10 more components. So total 1032 components loaded. After few minutes when the load is complete, I restarted my client. This took around 1 hour 30mins to start up & i can see progress bar showed “no operations to display at this time”.
Any guess why this huge amount of time was consumed ?
One answer
We found a defect that could cause this. It is fixed in ifix005.
I can see this behavior in ifix005 client running on JTS ifix005. Collected the logs, will share it across the case for investigation.
Just the logs will likely not sufficient. Support/development will need to be able to reproduce this. Please work with support to provide the loadrules and the source code. I can provide a tool to randomize and share the randomized data.
That this happens with "Automatically detect changes" disabled hints it is a different use case.