How can I get a fully qualified path from scm list change in a workspace loaded with a load rule?
When I run scm list change 1521 on a workspace that was loaded using a load rule and multiple components, the path for the element is <unresolved>. When I load the stream without a load rule and only one component, the path is fully qualified. How can I get a fully qualified path in a workspace created with a load rule?
[fad]/opt/IBM/rtc_store/jgalan/last_test: list changes 1521
Change sets:
(1521) ---$ John E Galan "Test for Snapshot."
Component: (1009) "Core_pay"
Modified: 20-Sep-2013 11:01 AM
---c- (1522) /inc/cob/arblamsg
---c- (1523) /install/job/
---c- (1524) /support/src/cob/addpi.cob
[fad]/opt/IBM/rtc_store/jgalan/q1_wardev: list changes 1521
Change sets:
(1521) ---$ John E Galan "Test for Snapshot."
Component: (1009) "Core_pay"
Modified: 20-Sep-2013 11:01 AM
---c- (1522) /<unresolved>/cob/arblamsg
---c- (1523) /<unresolved>/job/
---c- (1524) /<unresolved>/src/cob/addpi.cob
One answer
Not sure if this will help you:
I got the <unresolved> when I ran
lscm --show-alias y --show-uuid y list changes --repository-uri ${repURI} _Yq7ywDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg _bBL4cDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg
Change sets:
(1084:_bBL4cDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg) ----$ Procurement HUB "<No comment>"
Component: (1092:_L2dasDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg) "workflows-source"
Modified: 27-Jul-2015 08:27 AM
---c- (1162:_MTQrcDI7EeW2aqQAsoSPLw) \<unresolved>\file01-workflows
Work items:
(1094:_OKhPYDI4EeW2aqQAsoSPLw) 63318 "rtcSourceControl-task003-001-taskWithCode"
(1079:_Yq7ywDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg) ----$ Procurement HUB "<No comment>"
Component: (1095:_PgSBEDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg) "WTX"
Modified: 24-Jul-2015 04:52 PM
---c- (1164:_QE_QoDI7EeW2aqQAsoSPLw) \<unresolved>\file01-wtx
Work items:
(1096:_xPiRUDI4EeW2aqQAsoSPLw) 63320 "rtcSourceControl-task002-002-001-subTaskWithCodeToBeDeployed"
If I include the stream name (probably it would work as well if including a workspace name), it worked as I needed:
lscm --show-alias y --show-uuid y list changes --repository-uri ${repURI} --workspace PrHub_build _Yq7ywDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg _bBL4cDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg
Change sets:
(1084:_bBL4cDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg) ----$ Procurement HUB "<No comment>"
Component: (1092:_L2dasDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg) "workflows-source"
Modified: 27-Jul-2015 08:27 AM
---c- (1162:_MTQrcDI7EeW2aqQAsoSPLw) \workflows-source\files\file01-workflows
Work items:
(1094:_OKhPYDI4EeW2aqQAsoSPLw) 63318 "rtcSourceControl-task003-001-taskWithCode"
(1079:_Yq7ywDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg) ----$ Procurement HUB "<No comment>"
Component: (1095:_PgSBEDI7EeWKm6unNTAxLg) "WTX"
Modified: 24-Jul-2015 04:52 PM
---c- (1164:_QE_QoDI7EeW2aqQAsoSPLw) \WTX\files\file01-wtx
Work items:
(1096:_xPiRUDI4EeW2aqQAsoSPLw) 63320 "rtcSourceControl-task002-002-001-subTaskWithCodeToBeDeployed"
Arne Bister
JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 25 '13, 10:08 a.m.Jack,
Could you please paste the loadrules you are using, too?
Jack Galan
Sep 25 '13, 10:36 a.m.Arne:
Here's the loadrule, in two parts:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!--Generated: 2013-05-30 13.31.53-->
<scm:sourceControlLoadRule eclipseProjectOptions="import" version="1" xmlns:scm="">
<component itemId="_zKPkUZfUEeKwqIqNvn7QFQ"/>
<!-- <component name="Core_pay" /> -->
<parentFolder repositoryPath="/"/>
<sandboxRelativePath pathPrefix="/opt/appl/pay"/>
Jack Galan
Sep 25 '13, 10:37 a.m.<parentLoadRule>
<component itemId="_NfMhkKIXEeKuMOzgqWmk2w"/>
<!-- <component name="Core_spa" /> -->
<parentFolder repositoryPath="/"/>
<sandboxRelativePath pathPrefix="/opt/appl/spa"/>
<component itemId="_cqBXEMlVEeK1dOM7RQZ3pg"/>
<!-- <component name="Core_root" /> -->
<parentFolder repositoryPath="/"/>
<sandboxRelativePath pathPrefix="/"/>
Eduardo Bello
Jul 15 '14, 5:27 p.m.I'm having this error when using "scm list changes" .