Understanding the version ID in history
I have a question from a customer.
They are looking at the history of a source file in a stream , and have extended the scope with "show all in repository".
Here's the result:
Q1: why aren't the number in sequence (why are we missing 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17) ? We are seeing all in repository here.
Q2: Why is version 8 showing up twice ?
Thanks !
Accepted answer
As you work, you may check a file into the same active change set multiple times, each check-in will be a new id. You can select the drop down menu in the top right of the view and choose "Show Check-in History" to get a new section in the bottom of the view which will show the intermediate states for the selected change.
Q2: Version 8 is showing up twice because the change set on Nov 4 did a "Resolve with Mine" for a conflict. This is also shown by the dotted line on the merge graph.
Ok, so here's how we understand it.
The developer has started his work on v10. He has checked-in twice (v14 and v15). Then he has accepted v13 in v15 and it has created v16 which resolves the conflict. Correct ?
How do we explain that v16 is from 5:22 in the check-in history and from 5:36 in the history of the file ? Is 5:36 when the change set was completed at 5:36 ?
Thanks !
I suspect that version 16 is a new check-in that came after the conflict was resolved. The conflict appears to be "resolved with mine" to stay on version 15.
You are correct that 5:36 will be the time that the change set was completed. 5:22 is the last check-in time for that file, the change set may contain changes to other files not shown here