RTC load rule

Accepted answer

I don't believe it is possible. I am not sure about your exact use case you have but one way to achieve this is to create a new workspace and add components with the required baseline to the workspace. If you were trying to use the load rules just for loading the baselines of components then you can use the regular load to load the workspace. If you are using load rules to load specific folders, then you can use the load rules with this new workspace.
If you have a snapshot, you can also create a workspace and then load the workspace.

Thanks for your response.
We need to create load rules based on baselines of specific component . I feel we cannot create load rules to include specific components baseline.

It sounds like you want different baselines of a component to have different load rules (for that component). Is that right? If so, having the load rule specify the baseline to be used would not solve the problem ... the user would still have to create different load rules for different baselines, and then know which load rule to use for which baseline.
What I have seen customers do for this case is store load rule fragments in each component, and then have a "generate load rule" operation which combines all those fragments from the current workspace to create a load rule file for that workspace.
One other answer

Note that this is working as designed, i.e. that a workspace defines what version of a file is to be loaded, while the load rule defines where that file version should be loaded on disk. So an enhancement request would be rejected unless you clearly identify why you need to specify what version is to be loaded in the load rule, rather than in the workspace.