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Do I need Developer License to customize EWM process or is a Analyst/Quality Professional license sufficient?

frank grapengiesser (217) | asked Nov 11 '19, 8:01 a.m.

If I have purchased ETM Quality Professional & ERM Analyst Floating licenses, do I still need 1 additional EWM Developer lincense in order to customize Processes for Workitems and Change Management
or can I use the ETM Quality Professional & ERM Analyst Floating lincenses to change my EWM Processes?

I have reviewed the following documentation about ELM licensing:

But could not find an answer to my question.

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Nov 11 '19, 8:56 a.m.
Someone from IBM will need to answer this but I suspect your answer is yes -  but I could be wrong so worth checking.

With ETM or ERM you will get access to R/W to work items...
To modify the EWM Project/Process configuration you will need a License > as it will look for that on save of the changes to the Project Area / Process Template

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