Error while executing calculated java script in rtc
Hello Everyone,
I am using CLM 6.0.6.
I have written a calculated script which return result to attribute of type decimal.
So same script I have to applied on more than one attribute as calculation are same for all but I am getting below error.
undefined: The provided number is incorrectly formatted. The number may contain an integral part followed by a fractional part which is separated by a '.'. The number may contain up to 24 integral digits and up to 4 decimal digits.
Script is:
(function() {
dojo.declare("com.acn.adt.workitem.calculatedvalue.totalcount1", null, {
getValue: function(attributeId, workItem, configuration) {
var WorkItemAttributes =;
var blockedCount=workItem.getValue("com.blockedcount");
var passedCount=workItem.getValue("com.passedCount");
var partiallyPassedCount=workItem.getValue("com.partiallyPassedCount");
var inprogressCount=workItem.getValue("com.inprogressCount");
var failedCount=workItem.getValue("com.failedCount");
var descopedCount=workItem.getValue("com.descopedCount");
var moveToPreprodCount=workItem.getValue("com.moveToPreprodCount");
var var2=blockedCount+passedCount+partiallyPassedCount+inprogressCount+failedCount+descopedCount+moveToPreprodCount;
if(attributeId == "com..partiallyPassedPercentage")
var v=(partiallyPassedCount/var2)100
return parseFloat(v);
else if(attributeId == "com.moveToPreprodPercentage")
var v1=(moveToPreprodCount/var2)100
return parseFloat(v1);
else if(attributeId == "com.inprogressPercentage")
var v2=(moveToPreprodCount/var2)*100
return parseFloat(v2);
Kindly provide me solution.