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Still seeing timeout with ScmAuthService Advanced Properties setting change

Vince Thyng (13724153) | asked May 31 '16, 1:15 p.m.
edited May 31 '16, 1:29 p.m.
I am trying to copy components from one repository to another according to these instructions and have done it successfully before:
What is different this time is jazz repositories at 2 different companies with what I suspect is a slower connection through a VPN and a larger data set.  The process works currently on small components. 

Setting my jazz repository connections to 9999 has not been enough, so tried ScmAuthService setting
RTC 4.0.4
Advanced Property:
I tried the suggestion of
Authentication token expiration time in milliseconds = 600000
Authentication token grace time in milliseconds = 300000
My jazz repo connection timeout is still set to 9999
but still get timeouts at 170 seconds.
1) Do I need to restart the servers after making this parameter change?  I have tried this and the timeouts seemed to happen in a shorter amount of time :/
2) I was expecting that this will renew the token automatically for as long as needed.  Is this correct?

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